Thursday, December 7, 2017


That is all I hear lately, absolutes, absolutes, absolutes.

What ever happened to the gray (that's the American spelling by the way, look it up)? Being color "challenged" gray is my best friend when it comes to clothes.

It seems everybody has drawn a line in the sand in with a Sharpie, taped over it and laquered over it...actually you could just kick the sand, but I'm sure you get it.

Let's start with a touchy one, guns.  Oh no, I'm going to talk about guns in a typically lighthearted blog post! Some people are completely against them. They label them as death incarnate. By looking at a gun, you could die...from a heart attack.

These people are foolish. Responsible people have earned the right to be responsible. Forget the constitution, it was written way too long ago to be relevant on this issue (no way TJ, we're tight like that, had our modern weapons in mind when he put quill to paper) how about common sense?

These people forget our country was formed with diplomacy and guns.  That's a fact, a well-armed bunch of schmoes gave us this country.

The people that scream nobody better touch my guns or infringe on my right to own a gun are just as foolish.

There are mass shootings going on in this country way too often. Cops, children and innocent people are becoming casualties.

They won't even engage in a discussion on whether we need change. It's never the right time to talk about guns, right? Well if I'm diagnosed with cancer, I don't want the doctor telling me it isn't The right time to talk about it. The argument I hear most from this group is guns will find a way into bad people's hands, whether legal or not.

Keeping that in mind, these tend to be the same people that want to build a multi-billion dollar wall to keep out illegal immigrants (using the gun logic, wouldn't people still get in even if there was a wall?).

They have it in their minds that every illegal immigrant is a violent criminal who only thinks of committing crimes. Some of these illegal immigrants pay taxes, serve in our military and are they are the backbone of much of our economy (that's a fact people, look it up). We need some of them.

On the other hand, nobody should argue that border security is even more important now than ever. So to those that say let them all in, or they have been here for 5 years let them stay...that is not how it works. We have laws and nobody should be able to pick and choose which laws we enforce.

I can hear this side crying out, but that isn't fair! If you want to talk about the laws, that's different, but right now we need to follow the law.

The last one annoys me to no end, perhaps it's because of my very short-lived journalistic career. I am tired of people constantly believing everything they see on the internet or on TV (except for this blog, it's 100% accurate all the time).

These dense individuals gobble up the Alex Jones gospel like it's...well...gospel. It's not. He's an idiot. On the other side (I didn't forget you) John Oliver shouting that 13 million people losing healthcare is a tragedy, until you find out it is shit insurance that is basically only good if you get hit by a bus, doesn't mean we don't need to change the program.

The people that believe, retweet, quote  etc. sites like or are morons. Do some legit research people. Despite what the POTUS says CNN, MSNBC, ABC, WAPO, etc are all legit outlets. Despite what Nancy Pelosi says Fox News is legit. You simply have to watch the NEWS programs on those channels, not the entertainment programs.

We don't live in an absolute world, we live in a "except" world. Embrace it.

Now ABSOLUTELY share this.

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