Saturday, December 9, 2017


One year ago my Dinkus lost her best friend, her 10 year old boxer Beau.  While on the outside she handled it well, I know her well enough to know she was absolutely torn up on the inside.  This one is for her (and me, because I miss him too).

Beau was the least behaved dog I have ever met...really. This guy would jump on you no matter what you did to him, or no matter what you were doing. Hands full carrying groceries, boxes, babies...he was gonna jump. Sleeping on the couch, bed, shitter…he was gonna jump. Wait, did I just type sleeping on the shitter? This guy got to the point that if he did not jump, we knew he was feeling a little under the weather.

Beau once ate an entire pizza (pierogi too…those from the Pittsburgh area know how big of an offense this is) off the counter. I walked upstairs when he was snout down in the middle of the box. I. Did. Not. Get. A. Single. Piece (come to think of it, maybe he was sending me a message about my diet…ignored that one). Beau’s reaction was what I would come to expect anytime you caught him doing something he was not supposed to be doing…he looked at you and wagged his little stumpy tail while somehow looking like he was smiling. That was Beau.

This was also Beau. He would go nuts if you left him alone for anything over 1.2 seconds. He chewed up a railing, two doors, a step, a door frame, ruined a chair pillow by standing on it so he could see out the window for our return (I still look up at the window expecting to see him there) and who knows what else he destroyed that we blamed on the kids. 
Speaking of the kiddos, I actually miss them crying out "Dad, can you get Beau outta my room?!?!" (although it is slowly getting replaced by "can you come get Noah?").

The bed..oh lord…the bed. Moving him was impossible. It is easy to see how God fit so much love into that crazy canine when you tried to lift him…dude was solid. I somehow think he got heavier when he jumped on the bed (physics be damned). I can remember sleeping on the couch because I could not move him (and not because Dinkus was ever mad at me).

I also think he knew Dinkus better than I ever will. On more than one occasion he would come lay next to me or sit with me. It drove Dinkus crazy. I think Beau knew what he was doing; he wanted to make her jealous. He wanted that extra special loving that only a puppy mom can give, and of course it worked.

I think Dinkus tried to use Beau as a deterrent when I first started flirting with her. Little did she know that Beau and I had formed a pact. I would help take care of him, provide him with the best puppy brother ever (Colby you are missed my friend), and I would love Dinkus with all my heart as long as he helped me with my flirting. It worked. Beau was the best wingpup ever.

Beau was the reason we could not have people over. As I said before, he jumped all the time so he would annoy the guests. You could not put him downstairs, due that aforementioned separation anxiety. He would knock you over and trip you. He would shed constantly. He was a drooler (kinda like me), so you might leave our house with a wet spot.

And you know what…I would not have traded him for the world. He was Dinkus’ Beau, but he was my friend.
 Miss you big guy…now, get off the damn bed!

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