Wednesday, August 6, 2014

So, NOT making a choice

I was talking with a friend the other day and we got into a conversation about choices.  We both went off on a tangent about how inactivity and not making choices is actually a choice, and it is really the worst choice.

My kids do this to me all the time.  I will ask Avery (the Blonde Blur) what type of snack she wants.  Now at first I would just ask a general question (I'm a moron, it will serve you well to remember this), however I quickly learned to give her two choices.  While this change worked out better it did not completely end the frustration of me waiting for her to decide whether she wanted to eat the super-choco-fun-explosion candy banana or the pretzels.  She would just stare at me and say "Ummmmmm....."

This drives me nuts, like my eyes grow wide and want to scream at the top of my lungs (I don't...or do I?).  Finally I start counting, she knows when I get to three that I will make the decision and she has to live with it.   Right now we are at the point where she is smiling thru the one and the two, but she gets dead serious at about two and half.    She is choosing to not make a decision.

I would like to say it is only kids that make their decision by not making a decision, but lets face it, we all know people in our family, workplace, circle of friends, etc. that do the same thing.  You ask them a question, you start to slightly lean forward for their lean in even wait more...your head is on your desk/table/between your knees...and finally you make the decision for them.

There should be a time limit for making decisions.  Sure I understand some decisions would be given more time, but I think we can all agree that after the agreed upon time we get to smack them (I wouldn't really smack them, I'm a Quaker after all).

It is like the people that do not vote that say, "I didn't vote for so-and-so."  Well you did not vote for them, but you did not vote for the other person you made a choice to be nothing, nada, zip, zilch.  I am not an uber political person, this was just my choice for an example.

Perhaps an even better example is not making a decision to change.  If you are not happy with your weight, appearance, job or relationship, then you need to do something other than nothing about it.  Make an effort, try something differently, but for the love of all that is holy...make a decision!  When you are sitting on your hands, you are actively choosing to be inactive.

Perhaps I am writing this because I need more patience, which is entirely possible...actually, I have made my decision...I need you to make your decision.

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