Thursday, August 7, 2014

So, about Dinkus


Crossfit gave me so much.  It gave me a healthier lifestyle.  It gave me stress relief.  It gave me a new passion for working out.  However, it also gave me the opportunity to meet Dinkus.

Now some background about Dinkus' and my relationship.  She had a crush on just about every single Crossfitter at our gym before she even noticed me.  I am fairly certain she noticed the kettle bells before she noticed me (to be fair, I kinda looked like one when I started).

We bonded over calluses, sweat (she is the sweatiest person I know), box jumps and double unders.  We started hanging out outside of the gym, we set up a company, we went to Pirate games (she kissed me there, no really she kissed me first), we golfed and we laughed...a an insane amount.  Basically, the last person to know we were dating was her. 

I would ask what we were or where we were headed, and she would give the same answer every...single...time.  She did not know what she wanted.  And thru all of it, I was ok with that.  Keep in mind she was very honest with me the entire time, at times painfully so.  That said, I would calmly remind her I would believe enough for the both of us.

I was patient (like Job patient).  I was patient because I saw who she was and who she was going to be.  She was by far one of the most competitive (it was the first thing I noticed about her), caring, funny, intelligent and stubborn people I had met (she's also a pretty good kickball player and a killer real estate agent (click here!)).  I knew that I had to try as hard as I could to keep her in my life...and I did.

Now I am sure she will tell you that I infuriated her at times (and still do), but she loves me.  I know this because while she claims not to be sentimental/cheesy/romantic, she is.  I know that even a small gesture from her is worth 10x more than a gesture from somebody else.  For example, while we were at the beach with another couple (Felbaum and Ten) she and Felbaum split off from Ten and I.  She wanted to get a picture frame for me for my birthday, which was a month away.  That may seem ordinary to some people, but that gesture meant the world to me.

Speaking of birthdays, I am not used to caring about mine.  I have a summer birthday, which typically meant a lot of my friends were on vacation during some of my childhood birthdays.  I am also a guy (really, I am), so usually I did not care about having a day be about me (truth be told, it usually makes me uncomfortable).

Well Dinkus was not having any of that.  She planned a day for us.  My favorite thing to do with Dinkus is play golf ( is my second favorite thing anyway).  She made a tee time at the course I learned how to play, she took me to dinner at my friend's bar (I love Oliver's Pourhouse in Greensburg, conveniently located behind the courthouse) and then we just hung out all night.  She was so excited to give me the frame, she gave it to me without the picture (it's the picture at the top, and I wasn't allowed to take the frame home since she didn't have the picture printed yet).  It was awesome, just like she is.

She can overreact to things, she is never wrong and her cardio is terrible (oops...did I just put that out there), basically she is not perfect (I can hear her now, "I'm not?), but she is perfect for me.


  1. I FREAKIN LOVE THIS.... and YEP she WAS the last to know... Even I said, UMMMMMMMMMMMMMM pretty sure it sounds like you are dating.... LOL... She is one of THE most difficult, caring, kind, loving, honest, loyal, and all around amazing people I know. I'm proud to call her one of my BEST friends since we were in diapers, YEP, diapers. I couldn't be MORE thrilled she has found you! Wait she ISN'T perfect, hmmmmm... She will not like that, LOL!!! I'm ready for the next move....

  2. Nancy Logan..Marc you have found the {GEM} for you in the treasures of life. Be Happy both of you each day and THANKFUL you have found each other. Treasures are hard to achieve, Love and the Best to each of you.
