Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So, two hour delays

Two-hour school delays are the worst (teachers, I know you will disagree).  I seriously thought about ending the entry right there.

I am sitting here eating some eggs after making waffles for my children, which means that Luke will eat half of his waffle, Avery will eat all of her waffle and then come over to eat most of my eggs...ugh. 

I know this two-hour delay routine.  They get up at the same time as usual (hard to blame them for that), they get extremely excited because they think they are staying home with daddy for the day, they get extremely upset* (read as they meltdown) when I start to get them ready for school and the sitter, and finally they get to the quiet anger (because they think it's my fault they have to leave).

I remember loving two-hour delays when I was in school, mainly in high school.  Extra sleep, extra breakfast, extra video games, and most importantly a shorter school day that did not mean a make-up day in the summer.

This started me thinking, what else did I love as a kid that I now can not stand, and vice versa.

Well for one, snow.  As a kid, it was fun to get bundled up and play tackle football, have snowball fights, climb "the hill" and sled ride and finally pile into somebody's house for hot chocolate and Super Mario Brothers.

Now I loathe the cold and snow as much much as I loathe Caillou.  I have always said I would never move from Western Pennsylvania, I was lying (I just didn't know it).  Megamillions (Powerball and I still aren't talking) carry me away to Hawaii!

When I was a kid, I remember fighting my parents at bedtime.  I had no desire to go to bed.  I had important things to do, like...ummm...I am sure they were important.  The point is I did not want to sleep.

There are days now that I would give up peanut butter (and I love peanut butter) to sleep after 6:30am.  It does not matter what time I go to bed (or what I have done the night before), I get up at the same time most days.

My kids would eat fast food every day of their lives, if they had the opportunity.  McDonald's Chicken Nuggets are like kiddie crack.  You put those golden brown hunks of something meat in front of them and it is like Pavlov's dog, the drool pools just form.

Now just the thought of eating fast food makes me a little queasy (not to say I haven't had it in years, but I do avoid it).  I would rather make a meal myself than eat the something meat.

My son has gotten into video games, you know the violent games that a six year old should not be playing but I let him anyway (yep, dad of the year right here).  He loves them, and I kinda like watching his hands while he plays, it is really neat.

I use my Xbox as my DVD player and for Netflix.  I do not find any appeal in playing video games anymore, even when my son asks for help in the games, I find it tedious.

Hey look, it is 8:40 am...only two more hours until the kids get back to a "normal" routine...*sigh*.


  1. Two hour delays ARE THE 2nd worst. The WORST? "School's closed". Kill me now.

    Our mutual friend used to call our house at all hours of the day to get the school closing update (my dad was the man who made the school closing call) - she used it to her advantage to see if she had to do homework or not :)

  2. Oh she told me she used to do that! I can see her calling multiple times an HOUR too.

    See school closings aren't as bad for me, because I can send both to the sitter.
