Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So, the Crossfit "cult"

I have heard a lot of people refer to Crossfit as a cult.  Personally I think everybody has the right to their opinion, it is one of the things that is nice about this country.

I want to tell you a little about this community (notice I didn't say cult).  Yesterday (or the day before, since I've had kids I forget a lot) I wrote that I had some job interviews lined up for the week.  Well apparently some of my fellow Crossfitters read my blog and were aware of my upcoming interviews.

At the 12:30 class (which I may sadly have to abandon when I find a new gig), there were only around seven of us, including myself.  Of the six other friends that were there, three wished me luck on my interview that I had today (I think it went well).

One crossfitter, a great man named Eric, had left and came back in to wish to me luck.  Now for those of you that do not live near Pittsburgh, yesterday it was NEGATIVE FOUR DEGREES, without the windchill.  I forgot my water bottle in my car and I refused to go out and get it.  This guy was so supportive that he came back in after heading out to his car to give me a little encouragement.  You are a good guy, Eric.

Two others showed interest in my interview, where was it, who was it with, what time was it, would I be able to make crossfit tomorrow, etc.  They also wished me luck. They cared, and it was not lost on me.  Thanks Ben and Pat.

This morning I woke up to a text and received a another from a fellow 'fitter wishing me luck.  It felt good to get that in the morning when the thermometer read -11 degrees.  Thanks Ben and Ryan.

Now keep in mind, I was wished luck from friends and family from outside the box, too.  I just wanted to express how important my crossfit community, Crossfit Latrobe, is to me.  We support each other during workouts, but also in life.

I encourage anybody to be active in their own way, but I really support the Crossfit model that my gym has embraced.

We are not a cult, we are a community.

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