Monday, January 6, 2014

So, my 10% rule

In sales you usually hear of the 80/20 rule.  For those not in sales (and really aren't we all selling something?), the rule means you get 80% of your sales from 20% of your clients, it also means you should listen 80% of the time and talk 20% of the time (also a really good rule for marriage that I definitely struggle with), it probably means a lot of other things too.  For me I look at a 10% rule, and I am going to do my best to incorporate it into my life.

I believe that you will get a no 90% of the time in sales, leaving the remaining 10% as successes, which is really good.  That is what I am going to focus on in 2014, the 10%. 

Does that seem low, does that seem a little depressing, I do not think so.  Think about it, if you hit the lottery (c'mon Megamillions, I've given up on Powerball) 10% of the time you play, that is a win of epic proportions.  If you can cut 10% of the sugar/fat you consume, you are winning.  Also, if you can increase your exercise/getting off the couch (CROSSFIT!!!!!), that is a heckuva way to get healthier.

If I can get 10 interviews, all I need is 10%, or one (I used a calculator for that number), to get my life completely back on track.  Once I have that job, if I can get 10% of my clients to say yes everyday, that is one helluva foundation.  I stand a better chance of getting that 10% to say yes by making more sales calls, so...

Who would not want 10% more sleep?  Nobody, that is who.  I know I could use that right now.

Lets look at it with my kids (who are still the cutest kids in the history of history, look it up, it's true).  Getting my son to expand his menu by 10% would be amazing (and a miracle).  Having Avery fall asleep 10% quicker would extend my day, and I need my time to watch Shameless (premiering this Sunday on Showtime...Go Gallaghers!).  Most importantly with my kids, if I can give them 10% more hugs and kisses, we will be better people.

Adding or dropping 10% is not a big number, but it can lead to big things.  Do 10% more, do 10% less and lets see what happens!

I wish I drew that in the sand