Sunday, January 5, 2014

So, it's been some time

It has been some time since my last post.  I will be honest, I had been struggling mentally, and I had very little desire to write, or do just about anything other than Crossfit.  I did not want to keep up my writing, cooking, very little reading, struggled to finish my classes, etc.

I can not really pinpoint why that is, all I can say is that it was.  I have been able to come out of it (like an odd looking butterfly from a cocoon, ok, very odd looking).  While I can not pinpoint why I fell into my funk, I can give some pretty good reasons why I came out of it.

First and foremost, I have surrounded myself with some amazing people.  When you see positive people, you tend to become more positive (at the very least you fake it until you make it).  I have met a lot of new people over the last month, and for the most part, they have made me smile and laugh.

I have seen my baby sister.  She was in for the holidays, and she (along with her way too advanced 2 year old daughter and husband) make me happy.  How I can not smile when I am around someone like this.  My cousins, the youngest has a great sense of humor and can take verbal shots like a champ, are always fun to be around, and I saw them quite a bit.

I spent time with one of the strongest people I have gotten to know, and I have watched her become stronger. 

Second, I have ventured out into the world of small business ownership (bum, bum, buuuuuummmmm).  It is a small work out apparel company called Sweat Catchers (subliminal messages for you to click/like/order from that site...).  It has been a lot of fun working with my partner forming, designing, screwing up, winning, etc. during the process.  To actually see something come about from nothing is very rewarding.  I have gotten a lot of help from friends on how to set up Sweat Catchers, and a very special shout out to an amazing artist and friend Jason, seriously if you need a graphic artist, he is fast and very good.

So Sweat Catchers has been a lot of fun so far, and it helped me gain a sense of accomplishment.

Along the same lines of small business, I was contacted by an old friend from school to help out with copy writing.  It was great to catch up with her and it was even better to see somebody putting their trust in me, thank you Stonehouse Mixes!

Third, I am finally getting some traction for a full-time gig, again thanks to friends.  I have several interviews in the upcoming week and two of them are because of friends believing in me.  It will be up to me to capitalize on the opportunities.   

Fourth, I had my kids on Christmas morning...'nuff said.

Basically what this blog entry is saying is...I could not have gotten out of my funk without the people in my life.  So a big thank you to everybody that has messaged me, called me, made fun of me, hung out with me, and showed me that picking your head up does not have to be a one-man job.

Oh and I have not seen Caillou in over a month!  Woohoo!

Not so subliminal message above