Sunday, August 3, 2014

So, life is challenging

Every time I think I have this life thing figured out, I am proven wrong (all together now...I'm a moron).

As I was cutting my grass this evening (tho I will be posting this in the morning, so should I say last evening), I had an is just a series of challenges.  Actually life is a series of challenges and how we react to them.

Nobody ever told me that life would be easy, but it would have been nice if somebody told me that life would be work (dang folks...a handbook would have been nice).  I turn 36 tomorrow (or today...or...I mean...whatever), and I have dealt with a decent amount of challenges.  Some of those challenges I have failed miserably (my father's passing) and others I have handled like a champ (divorce). 

When I look at the challenges I have owned (like a boss), it is because I was surrounded by great people.  On the other hand, when I look at the challenges I have failed, it is because I turned inside myself and expected things to get better on their own.  Things do not get better on their own.  Life takes work. 

Since I came to the conclusion today that life is a series of challenges, I also came to conclusion that overcoming those challenges makes me a better person (in other shocking news, people need air to live).  So basically, I need to work harder to get better.

I have let my self improvement get kind of derailed, and not for lack of a good reason (I've got a doozy) .  That said, it is not like the day has gotten shorter.  I need to put my big boy pants on and work harder.  Anybody can come up with an excuse on any day, I just need to stop with the excuses.

So Life...challenge me, kick me, punch me (not in the face), push me down, I want to work hard.

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