Tuesday, July 29, 2014

So, sometimes **** happens

Sometimes shit happens.

So this one will be brief, because really I am essentially writing it to myself.  Sometimes shit happens that you can not control.  Sometimes you can do everything you can, and stuff still goes wrong.

You can not control a child getting sick (unless of course you don't know how to cover your cough USE YOUR ELBOW PEOPLE).  You can not control rain seeping into your basement causing your carpet to feel like SpongeBob's backside.  You can not control your father passing away at the age of 54. 

Despite your body telling you to lighten up (my body does it by sending sweet, sweet panic attacks wrapped in anxiety...yummy), you probably ignore the message.  I/We/You need to stop doing this and sometimes (not all, nothing is guaranteed except death and taxes, unless you're Willie Nelson) let life happen.

I need to remind myself of this every once in a while.  I hope this serves as a reminder to all you that...we can not control the actions or thoughts of others (or of the higher power you believe in), we can only control what we say and do.

Whew...glad I got that outta the way.

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