Wednesday, November 27, 2013

So, I'm thankful for you, the readers

When I started this, I did it as a means of release, much like Crossfit (warning, warning Crossfit mention), after my divorce and losing my kids for half their lives.  It was a way for me to keep my head calm and organized.  I truly enjoy writing this blog (and writing in general for that matter).  I never expected anybody to read this, other than my mother (who oddly enough can't figure out how to find it on the big, bad interworldnetthing).

Well for some odd reason, of which I can not figure out, there are a few people that are reading my writing.  I get to see how many people read the blog on a daily basis thru the reporting.

So first I want to say thank you.  I mean that from the bottom of my heart (which is running at a much better rate thanks to Crossfit, I sneaked it in there again).  I have received numerous emails, Facebook messages, texts and calls about the blog.  A lot of you have shared similar stories to what I have gone thru, and that makes me feel like I belong, so again, thank you!

Now, I also want to say, some of you scare the living crap out of me.  Those reports I referenced earlier also tell me which posts get the most views.  I can break my readers into three distinct groups (yep, I'm going to profile you).

1.  The first group loves the family/kids/emotional stuff.  The posts about my father and my sister were among the highest viewed.  Those can be the easiest to write, but the hardest to post for me.  That is the closest I can come to standing in front of the world as naked as the day I was born, which I think helps make me stronger (tho you may want to shield your eyes).

I imagine the people that continue to click on those posts are some of the people that would stop and help an elderly woman fix a flat tire.  You are most likely parents and you know what it is like to love and lose someone close to you.  I would love to have a dinner with you guys, then sit around a table and tell stories long into the night (but not too late, we have kids to get up in the morning).

2.  The second group really likes the posts where I attempt to be funny (notice the word attempt).  My posts on cartoon shows and online dating got some good play.  These are usually easy to write and even easier to post.  They are usually off-the-cuff and they are motivated by something I saw that day or something I heard from a friend (or something I eavesdropped while at Aldi's or Giant Eagle). 

I imagine these people are mainly readers that are reading this while at work and looking for an escape (unemployment is a helluva escape, but I don't recommend it).  I see them as needing a distraction at times because they are working their arses off (make no mistake stay-at-home parents, you are in this group too).  I want to go grab a drink (not beer, I'm trying to get rid of the belly...well, ok, just one) and then tell dirty jokes with.  This group would probably keep me up too late to make it to the gym (hey, I didn't mention Crossfit...dang).

3.  The third and final group, you guys worry me.  Scare me as in I do not know if I should call the cops or call a psychiatrist when I see you. The two most popular posts I have put on the blog are ones about unemployment and getting a Q-tip shoved into my *ahem*.  What is wrong with you people?  Are you only happy when I am miserable (have you been talking to my ex-wife, again I'm kidding, I have a good relationship with her)?  I mean, you think it is funny that I walk around clueless, moronic and completely deserving of the occasional kharmic smack to the back of the head?  If I somehow crap my pants in front of a large group of people, I know who is going to read that!

That said, I want to spend time with you guys and laugh with you guys, because I am one of you.  I want to go to Pens games and the first Pirate playoff game in 21 years with you.  I want you to introduce me to vodka and water (aka wodka) and I want to introduce you to Prom Queens (amaretto and diet Coke).  I want to make memories with you (that I may have to be reminded about).

Nothing makes me laugh more than my own stupidity than the stupidity of others.  Lets not act like it is a bad thing either, hell how many comedians and writers have made a living exploiting stupidity (seriously, I want to know how many).

Obviously this is tongue-in-cheek (where the hell else would it be?), I know I should not, and can not, put everybody into one category.  And truth be told, I fit into these, and a lot more groups.

Again, I have really enjoyed writing this blog and knowing that there are people reading my ramblings motivates me to JUST KEEP MOVING (what, did you think I wasn't going to get that in?)

Thank you so much and Happy Thanksgiving,



  1. so, my take away from this is that you're a stalker and the blogspot report is your enabler. :-P who's the sicko now?
