Saturday, September 22, 2018


So…Stress can suck it

I am so stressed out by stress.

There are days when I try to figure why I am stressed and that stresses me out, not necessarily because I do not know what has stressed me out, but because the list can be endless. Who needs all this stress, well apparently, I do, actually I do not, but I will not stress out about that, or will I?

I try to do what I can to control stress: therapy (yep), writing (yep…no not on the blog but elsewhere, gosh you are needy), meds (definitely yep), eating (triple scoop yep). With all that I still have stress. I actually have stress over how to control my stress.

You see, that is because I am an idiot. My physician recently decided she did not want to write sleep aides (of which I have a yearly script of 30, that’s right I use less than 30 pills a year but now I can not even get that) or clonazepam for anxiety attacks (another med I use less than 30 pills a year) so now I have stress about either finding a new physician or trying to deal with the few times I would need these pills. Arrrrrrgh!

I used to workout twice a day, but now I have three kids which require five times the effort and seven times the money with one third the energy and half the time (somebody do the math on that). What that convoluted sentence means (it sounded funnier in my head) is that I have been neglecting my workouts, ok I have not worked out regularly in three years. So now I stress out when I do not work out because I know what I am doing to my health (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, culinarily) and on the occasion I do work out I stress out over what I could be doing at home or how I may be putting my wife (what…dinkus married me?) out. This shit sucks…oops I have a kid reading over my shoulder…I mean this stuff stinks.

I have been told the best way to control stress is to let go, but I am also reminded that if you love something let it go and if it comes back…you know what, who cares?

I really, and I mean really, want to control stress. Crap (I am a learning computer)…now I think I am stressing out over wanting to control too much.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that just THREE ten minute breaks throughout your day helps you? Mentally and physically. Don't stress about not getting in a good one hour workout when you can get your heart rate up three times a day for 10 minutes.

    Set a clock at work to remind you. Walk fast five minutes out, five minutes back. Do squats at the Keurig at work, sure, your co-workers will think your nuts but I mean, who are you kidding, they probably already think that. :) Run WITH the kids for 10 minutes at night playing soccer or raking leaves or chasing the toys and shooting them in the basket.

    Don't STRESS - ADD FUN to your day, for your sanity, for your wife & kids, for your heart and health.
