Friday, August 1, 2014

So, looking before you leap

I often hear you should look before you leap. I think that that can be bullshit at times. Why shouldn't we take risks, why shouldn't we believe in ourselves and others to the point where we can have blind faith, on occasion?

I am not advocating that we literally jump off of a cliff and hope we survive (tho I could name a few people that should leap from a cliff), I am however advocating that there are times where we just have to believe we will make it.

When I think back to some of the times that I have simply leaped and not looked, sure I've been burned, but there are also times where I have not only survived but thrived.

After my divorce, I was scared to death to do anything. Luckily I leapt into CrossFit. It was one of the best decisions that I ever made. I became healthier, I became stronger mentally (be quiet!), I met new people, and I met Dinkus.  Had I not decided to leap headfirst into CrossFit I could still be the doughy guy on the couch. Instead I am the slightly soft guy busting his butt at Innate fitness.

Again after my divorce, I was scared to date, I was scared to do anything that involved meeting women.  However I got out there, I met people from the online sites (don't ever use them, they are the devil) and I looked at them as practice runs.  They helped me shake the rust off of my game (which is basically the equivalent of Candyland).  Had I not simply jumped into the deep end in dating, I would not have been ready to date Dinkus. Dating Dinkus has been amazing.

I swore I would never go back into the medical field in any capacity. However several years ago I decided to leave a position where I was doing very well and to return to medical sales.  It was absolutely nerve-racking knowing that I would be going back into an industry that changed so much. However it is because of that change that I am finally happy in my career.

So again, please do not jump off a cliff, please do not risk your house on one hand of blackjack, please do not think you can beat that train across the tracks, but please be willing to take a risk every once in a while.

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