Saturday, July 26, 2014

So, adjusting

I love baseball...shocker, I know.  I love my son...again, another shocker.

A few of my friends are having their first kids and they are going thru all the fun fortune telling you do when you find out you are  pregnant.  When Stud was born I immediately had these visions of him playing baseball for my beloved Buccos and when he won the NL MVP award he would look into the camera and say "This award belongs to my father.  He is the reason I am the greatest baseball player of all time.  Without my father, I would be stuck behind a desk."

As soon as I held him, I saw him growing up and all of my friends and family being in awe of his amazing baseball prowess (sad that I didn't see him being the smartest, but really with me as his father he has no chances of being the smartest...sorry Luke).

My son will be seven years old within the week and I am sad distraught crushed elated that my son is gravitating more towards soccer.  Before anybody thinks I am going to bash soccer (baseball is better), I am not.  I played soccer growing up, but I was better at baseball and I enjoyed it more.  I mean what normal red-blooded boy would not like to play baseball every day of the week over soccer.  If you choose soccer over baseball, clearly your parents have failed

Now since my son does not know how to get to this site (I really hope he doesn't know how to get to this site), I can actually say that he is making me in to a soccer fan.  I was shopping with Dinkus the other day for his birthday and we were looking at the soccer equipment at Dick's.  I admit, I got excited.  Did I venture over to the baseball side of things at one point, of course, but looking at the shin guards, soccer balls, nets, etc. I was able to picture his sweaty (he is the second sweatiest person I's awesome) head running around with all of his new shiny equipment.

Clearly I knew that I would support whatever choice my son makes, he is my son and I love him after all.  What I did not expect was that I would start to change my tastes/views because of his tastes/views.

Now if I start carrying around a baby doll and wearing Hello Kitty outfits, you will know who I am adjusting to next.

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