Thursday, July 24, 2014

So, about those happy endings

Normally when I write a blog I put the picture in last.  I reread the blog for errors (of which I'm sure I miss many) then I try to find either a heart-wrenching picture or one that shows up in some random Google search that I do (it's always the latter).

That said, I saw this picture on Facebook one day and I immediately "got it".  I like it so much I made it my background picture.  I see it everyday I log on to Facebook and it helps me out.

I have had a lot happen to me (not as much most), but I have had my share.  I had a ten year period where I buried two grandfathers, one grandmother, an aunt, an uncle and my father.  I was then displaced/impacted(sounds gross I know)/laid off a couple of times because I happen to live in the wrong place.  My baby sister was diagnosed with cancer (she's kicking its ass) and I have other family issues.  Oh yeah, and then there was that little divorce thing.

That all said, I look at this picture and realize that no matter what crap I have waded thru to this point in my life, it is never too late to be happy.  I know that because of all the thorns I have pricked my fingers on, it has been worth the ability to stop and smell the roses.

I watched my father wither away to nothing.  I did things for my 54 year old father that no son should have to do.  He smoked since he was 14.  It is because of him that I will not smoke.  I have said it before on this blog, but I believe my fate is sealed, cancer will get me, but I will not go down without a fight.  That is where my cleaner (and really when you ate fast food about 4 times a week, it wasn't hard to get cleaner) diet and part of my dedication to working out comes.  I want to live as long as possible.

My cousin does not have either of his parents. I am lucky to have one left.  I have learned from my aunt and uncle passing that I want my kids to see me get old and wrinkly.  I want to be that old curmudgeon sitting on the porch on a rocking chair complaining about the whiffle ball coming into my yard (don't tell anyone, but I already do this...not really...ok, really).  My number one goal in life, and it is not even close, is to walk my blonde blur down the aisle.

I do something that I enjoy.  After being, well let's call it what it was fired (putting lipstick on a pig doesn't change that it's a pig), I knew I needed some sort of change.  My new career gives me the opportunity to work directly with patients and also be more creative.  I also work for a non-profit that directly impacts my community.

My baby sister being diagnosed with cancer...well...I do not really want to talk about that.  I will never be convinced that has any purpose.  She is an amazing woman with an amazing family.  She is one of my best friends (I love you shitface).

Finally there is the divorce thing.  I weighed 245 pounds when I separated from my ex.  I am down to 167 now.  I went on the divorce diet (patent is still pending) and did not eat or sleep for two weeks.  I continued to lose weight the proper way by joining Crossfit, cleaning up my diet and now joining Innate Fitness (woohoo Chaos!).  I am now healthier than ever, and I have also met some amazing people.  Some people are more amazing than others (dinkus, I love you).  I am dating somebody that pushes me, I am happy. 

Sure some days are better than others, some days are easier than others, but at the end of the day I know that it is never too late to live happily ever after (see what I did there).

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