Thursday, December 12, 2013

So, what can I do?

I once had a friend tell me I was "so lucky".  I have already covered why I am lucky here, but I asked him why and his response was "you're single, man.  You can do whatever and whoever you want."  Of course he was a little inebriated at the time, so I let it go, but it does beg the question, what can I do?

First let me address the "do whoever you want" piece, no I can not, nor would I want to.  I do not think I need to go any further on that one.

Now, let me address the "whatever I want" part of his comment.  I am obviously bound by the laws of society, so robbing a bank, streaking a neighborhood (have you seen what cold does to a man's *ahem*, no thank you), or grabbing that Caddy off the lot without paying for it are out of the question.

Then there is the moral/ethical rules in which we live (well some of us anyway).  I can not really wear a pink bikini and expect that not to bite me in my arse.  I can not lie on a resume (somebody hire me, please), I would probably forget I put it on there.  I can not call somebody's baby ugly (and have you seen some of the new models, what's up with that?), because that is just messed up.

Of course there is also the physical limitations involved in what I can and can not do.  For example, I can not dunk a basketball, I have tried many times (even Crossfit can't fix that limitation).  I can not sprout wings and soar above the clouds (again, damn you Crossfit!).  Making PBS stop running Caillou cartoons, out of my physical realm of possibilities.   I do not have the physical ability to drink 64 beers on a cross-country flight.

As much as I like to think I am the smartest man in the room (well, right now I am, since I am alone), I know I am usually not.  So, solving any complex equation by the famous mathematician Detarkian (that's not a real person, I just made that up, did you think it was?), is out of the question.  Understanding how the lymphatic system works is completely out of the question as well.  Hell, there are times every day hour that I forget why I walked into a room.

I have not hit that Powerball jackpot (I'm beginning to get impatient), so I am also limited to what I can do financially.  Again, that Caddy is not coming home with me, nor is the 2000 Ford Probe sitting on the side of the road with a for sale sign on it.  Oh, and any type of traveling will have to be done in a YMCA basketball league.  All the repairs/upgrades to my house, going to have to wait (sorry1970s interior doors, you have to stay).

So, what can I do?

I guess I can only do what I can do.

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