Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Oh sports and our nation's love affair with you, how I appreciate you more and more.

I, like most of the social media-using world, am sick and tired (emphasis on sick...and tired...and then sick again) of the garbage political posts that have invaded my time lines (that's the lingo the kids are using these days, right?).  Most are half truths at best, some outright lies and some are simply racist/sexist/ignorant.  None are meant to bring anything resembling rational discussion.  While I should be able to ignore posts that quote such reputable websites like republicans-r-us.org or democrates-4-life.tv, I found myself going down the rabbit hole and then needing a shower and sanding to get myself clean.

What could possibly make me stop this unhealthy addiction and more importantly, what could make others stop posting such trash...SPORTS! 

In just two days my timeline went from Trump/Clinton to Narduzzi/Tomlin, and it was glorious! 

You see by Pitt (#H2P) beating #2 Clemson (on the road, which makes it better than Penn state beating #2 Ohio State at home, btw) and the Steelers choking against dem Cowboys, my timeline returned to normal.  My Facebook friends were suddenly acting like friends again.  They celebrated the Pitt victory and liked everybody's posts.  They lamented the Steelers loss and branded Coach Mike Tomlin as the worst coach of all time.  That said, they did it together.

Sports turned my social media life from sour like curdled milk to sweet like eggnog (what, you don't like eggnog?).

Sports helped heal our country after 9/11, they really did and sports just may get us through this tumultuous time.

So find your favorite team and cheer or even find your rival and boo, just come together.

Wait...that politician said what...ah hell no, it's on!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

So...Election Day

I am just going to assume that everyone has simply been rereading my blog posts from previous years and have not even noticed that I disappeared in some weird Bermuda Triangle (should we capitalize such a heinous place?).

This election feels different, it just does.

So I remember a much simpler time (it's usually when I sleep) where certain rules were followed.  You did not even have to write them, although I guess I am about to so I may be creating some weird paradox which will cause the universe to collapse in on itself.

Chief among those unwritten rules were you never talk about religion, politics or Notre Dame football.  That rule has been absolutely thrown out the window, shot, picked up, punted, punted again, and finally burned. 

Those breaking this all-important rule did not even ease into the question.  They did not start out hiding behind some anonymous name on the internet.  They did not have the decency to then move to Facebook before simply getting in your face and telling you, yes telling you, that you:

A:) Need to vote

B:) Need to vote for a Democrat or a Republican, because picking who you really want to may actually be a vote for the "other" candidate *gasp*!

C:) picked incorrectly by voting for that Democrat or that Republican.

I tend to be a guy that tries to live facts.  I like to make the world as black and white as I can (listen, I have kids, so 99.9% of day is in the gray...and the pink...and the purple...and whatever color an IPad is), so I tend to do a lot of reading and I can say with confidence that we would do better if we lived by the old rule of not talking politics since most of us do not have a clue what we are talking about. 

When we have not done our own research we become idiots...yep I am calling myself and my fellow voters of this country idiots.  As we all know arguing with an idiot is pointless since they drag you to their level and beat you with experience.  The problem is whoever is elected will be elected by idiots, so does that mean the real winner is the loser, meaning the voters that voted for the loser are actually not idiots, meaning they voted for the smart person, meaning that person should be president, meaning that if given the presidency based on that logic they would also be idiots, then...OUCH (I actually banged my toe, it wasn't from following that logic).

Wow...this post has gone off the rails quickly.

Long story short (too late), keep your election questions to yourself.  Do research yourself.  Make up your mind yourself.  Vote for yourself.

Now, let's talk about Notre Dame football...